We have a full-time client assistance worker on staff to assist clients with any services not directly provided by the Mission.

They also help people deal with the stresses of life and provide a friendly shoulder to cry on while gently introducing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and praying for their needs if desired.

Our case worker is a more experienced and trained volunteer in the community who has had some experience in listening to and helping the people who use our services.

They have caring hearts, are filled with mercy and grace, and are aware of other community resources our guests may need.

What Is Lay Counseling?

Counseling involves a caring relationship in which one person seeks to help another deal more effectively with the stresses of life. There can be a number of counseling goals that we assist with:

  • Clarify problems
  • Explore and express their feelings
  • Cope with stress
  • Find freedom from spiritual, psychological, and interpersonal conflicts
  • Develop self-acceptance and God-awareness
  • Confront guests with their sinful and self-defeating thoughts and/or actions, and help them find a new or renewed willingness to live in accordance with biblical teaching.
  • Refer them to other Gospel Mission Programs or community resources, including addiction recovery as needed
  • Assist those who have jobs and no transportation with bus passes
  • Obtain a new ID so they can apply for other services available
  • Assist them while applying for SNAP (food stamp), Social security, and other emergency relief programs
  • Weekly counseling of our women’s shelter clients

We also have a licensed Christian counselor on call, provide referrals to local counseling agencies and occasionally have student intern councilors in the WNMU Masters program available.

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